Mold Testing

Mold testing in denver, co

Mold is a type of fungus that is present almost everywhere including in the air we breathe. It is widely believed that black mold causes serious health concerns. But the truth is that there is no convincing research that suggests exposure to black mold causes severe conditions such as lung disease or cancer. In small amounts, which is normal for the environment, people with healthy immune systems are not at any particular health risks by being exposed to mold.

That said, however, some people are more sensitive to mold spores than others. These people could develop respiratory symptoms if they breathe in these spores. In large amounts, mold spores can cause health problems in almost anyone. This is why it’s essential that if you find mold in your home or business, you must remove it—and take steps to keep it from coming back.

We Find the mold in commercial and residential buildings

Whether it be the dryest or the wettest season in Denver, and no matter where the mold is hiding, we our team of professionals will find it. No matter how big, or small the space, including crawl spaces, attitcs, cracks in the walls, etc SC Environmental has the technology to not only finds the mold, but we test it to report the extent and type of mold we are dealing with.

Preventing Mold & knowing when to call SC Environmental

The best way to deal with mold is to prevent it from growing in the first place.

Here are some tips:

  • Good ventilation is important in areas where there is moisture. Run the exhaust fan where present.
  • Make sure the wet areas in and around your home or business are draining and drying up properly.
  • Keep water from gathering and sitting around the foundation of your home or business. Check that there is proper drainage from your home or business with improvement such as gutters, landscaping, and retaining walls. When it rains, inspect these items to ensure they are working as they should.
  • Waterproof the basement. If it smells musty, this could mean you already have a problem with mold.

While mold itself may not always be visible to the eye, there are several other signs you can watch out for. Those signs include a constant, musty smell and/or water damage. While these may not mean mold is present, if these coniditons are present, please call our team! Another sign to look out for is if someone is displaying allergic reactions while in your Denver property such as coughing, sneezing, or wheezing and difficulty breathing.

If these conditions are present in your home or business, contact SC Environmental to let us handle your commercial or residential safety needs.